How To Possum Proof Your Roof

Possums are cute, little furry animals that give no reason to hate them. But the moment they decide to move into your premises problems begin. There are countless reasons that mark possums as pests, including their noisy and destructive characteristics. In addition to that, these nocturnal marsupials leave an unpleasant and disgusting odour with their droppings and urine.

And in some cases, they are responsible for spreading multiple diseases through food contamination, including relapsing fever, spotted fever, leptospirosis, etc. So, maintaining a safe distance from possums is a great idea. In case you question how to possum proof your roof, this write-up is a must-read for you! Here we have discussed a few foolproof solutions that can keep these animals away from your roof, while not hurting the iconic beauty of Australian Wildlife.

Possum Proof Your Roof

How To Possum Proof Your Roof: Ways To Follow

Possums as pests can be a real pain! Read ahead to learn how to possum proof your roof easily and conveniently.

  • Prune And Trim The Branches Of The Neighbouring Tree

  • Do you have tall trees with long branches close to your roof? If yes, possums can make their way to your home using it. So, one of the finest ways to block the easy entrance for the possums, you must consider pruning and trimming the branches. Instead of handling it yourselves, you better seek assistance from the experts. Possums are more likely to detect that one single or couple of brunch possums could use to enter your attic. And pruning those specific branches can halt them from invading your property secretly. Also, DIY tactics can lead to self-injuries, so better leave the job in the hands of professionals who have commercial-grade safe tools.

  • Use Of Possum Repellents

  • The homeowners who have used the possum repellents have always offered a mixed response. While some say the repellents really have worked others oppose it. Well, you can give the repellents a try and see whether it has worked in your possum infestation case. First of all, we want to make it clear that the possum repellents do not harm the animal.

    These products just work on the senses of the furry animals and keep them away. Quassia chips and tabasco sauce are two things that work as effective repellents for the possums. Possums also hate the smells of mothballs, garlic, ammonia, etc., Use any of this repellent and keep it around their sealed entry points.

  • Use Of Bright Lights Or Spotlights

  • Possums are sensitive to bright lights. Taking its advantage, you can plan a preventive barrier for the pest. Make an assessment of your roof or attic and find the spots through which the possums can invade. After that, install spotlights or bright lights in those areas. When the spotlight will flash on them, the possums will escape in fear.

  • Make The Lattice And Deck Posts Slippery

  • The lattice and deck posts you have installed to make your home gorgeous can be liable for possum invasion. Possums easily slip through the lattice and make their entry to your roof. But you can halt their entrance by placing some smooth metal and plastic around those decorative features. As a result, the possums will loosen their grip and slip every time they try to climb through them.

  • Seal The Entry Points

  • Whenever you would ask anyone:’ how to possum proof your roof,’ the most common answer you will get is to seal the entry points. And this trick does work. But you have to seal all the possible entrances correctly. You can try the simple DIY paper test to learn whether your roof cavity is the access point of the possums. For this, you need to take a few papers, scrunch them and place them in the cavity. If the paper falls out, mark it as their entry point and seal them as immediately as possible. Professionals use strong mesh, timbre, sturdy sheeting, etc., for sealing those points.

  • Employ Electronic Devices

  • There are a few motion-activated ultrasonic tools and devices available in the market that are solely made to prevent marsupial-like pests including possums. When possums are near and they cross the sensor, the device is triggered and scares away the possums with high-pitched sounds; those sounds are comfortable for humans.

  • Cut The Food Sources Supply

  • Possums mainly get into your house in search of food. And if you eradicate the food sources, you can prevent these marsupials from entering your home. Possums are omnivores that feed on almost everything available. So, make sure to cover your litter bin properly, clean your BBQ precisely and try to feed your pets inside the house. Also, clean up the scattered food particles and remaining food in the bowl when they are done eating.

    If you have a fruit garden, pick up all fruits that are dropped, or use a net to prevent the fruits from dropping in the garden. In case you have a habit of feeding the birds, practise it either in the late morning or mid-afternoon. Make sure there is no birdseed scattered here and there around your home. There is one more thing you should keep in mind, possums are wildlife creatures, they are not meant to be pets. So, if you show love and affection by feeding them, it will remove the fear of humans in them. And when you stop feeding them, they can show their aggressive nature.

  • Let Them Have An Alternative Shelter

  • Possums, especially the brushtail ones, need a den to survive. Without a proper den, they can come across several daytime threats, including bird attacks. But if you show a little empathy for these wildlife creatures and install a possum box on a nearby tree can help. To allure them to stay in their new home, you can place a few fruits in the box. They will happily stay there, instead of invading your roof.

What To Do If The Listed ‘How-tos’ Fail To Show Results?

Possums are cosseted wildlife, so you can remove them, but without hurting them. If all these above-listed ‘how-tos’ do not show any positive outcome, the only option left is appointing licensed possum catchers for the task. Followed by the removal process, you should get the entrance points sealed immediately. As per state law, you can release the marsupials within 25 metres of the area where they are captured. So, if you do not seal the entrances, they will reoccupy their former shelter.

Get ready for the mission now that you know how to possum-proof your roof. In case you need any sort of help, our local, certified, and competent possum catchers are available for you all around the clock. With more than decades in the industry, we have been serving our reliable possum catching and relocating services and preserving the possum families.

Published on: April 25, 2024

Fruit trees can be a real attraction for possums, as they are known for eating fruits, vegetables, and insects. Possums can cause significant damage to fruit trees by gnawing on the trunk, stripping the bark, and eating the fruit. To keep possums away from your fruit trees, there are several steps you can take to deter them from entering your garden. Read on to know in detail about how to keep possums away from fruit trees.

Ways To Keep Possums Away From Fruit Trees

Here’s how to keep possums away from fruit trees:

  • Fencing
    One of the most effective ways to keep possums away from your fruit trees is by installing a fence. The fence should be at least 6 feet tall and made of strong materials such as metal or wood. Make sure the fence extends into the ground to prevent possums from digging under it.
  • Motion-Activated Sprinklers
    Motion-activated sprinklers are an effective way to deter possums from your fruit trees. The sudden burst of water can startle possums and encourage them to leave the area.
  • Cover Fruit Trees with Netting
    Covering your fruit trees with netting can help protect them from possum damage. Make sure the netting is taut and extends above the tree so that possums cannot get to the fruit.
  • Reduce Food Sources
    Reducing food sources in your garden can also help deter possums from your fruit trees. This may involve removing fallen fruits and vegetables, and keeping pet food indoors.
  • Use Repellents
    There are several natural and commercial repellents available that can be used to keep possums away from your fruit trees. Some of the most common include vinegar, citrus, and eucalyptus.
  • Eliminate Hiding Spots
    Possums need hiding spots, such as piles of leaves or bushes, to feel secure. By removing these hiding spots, you can make your garden less attractive to possums.
  • Traps
    If you have a persistent possum problem, consider using humane traps to remove them from your garden. Be sure to follow local wildlife regulations and release the possum at least 5 miles from your home.

Possums can cause significant damage to fruit trees and other plants in your garden. By installing a fence, using motion-activated sprinklers, covering fruit trees with netting, reducing food sources, using repellents, eliminating hiding spots, and using humane traps, you can keep possums away from your fruit trees. Remember to always be humane and follow local wildlife regulations when dealing with possums.

Why Is It Important To Keep The Possums Away From Your House And Fruit Trees?

Keeping possums away from your house and fruit trees is important for several reasons.

  • Health and Safety: Possums can carry diseases and parasites that can be harmful to humans and pets. They can also cause structural damage to your home by gnawing on wood, wires, and other materials.
  • Property Damage: Possums can cause significant damage to fruit trees by stripping the bark, gnawing on the trunk, and eating the fruit. They can also damage other plants and vegetables in your garden.
  • Unpleasant Odours: Possums can produce unpleasant odours, which can be a nuisance to you and your neighbours.
  • Nuisance: Possums can be noisy and active at night, causing disturbance to you and your family.

By keeping possums away from your house and fruit trees, you can protect your health, property, and quality of life. Additionally, it can help preserve the natural balance of your local ecosystem and prevent the spread of diseases and parasites to other animals.

Hire Professionals

Hiring professionals for preventing and removing possums is important for several reasons. Firstly, professionals have the expertise, equipment, and experience necessary to effectively identify, prevent, and remove possums from your property. They can assess the situation and provide customised solutions to address your specific pest control needs. Additionally, professionals use safe and humane methods that comply with local wildlife regulations and minimise harm to the environment. By hiring professionals, you can avoid the risk of injury and liability that comes with handling possums on your own. Furthermore, professionals can provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure that possums do not return in the future. Overall, hiring professionals for possum control is a smart choice that can provide peace of mind and ensure the safety and health of your property.

If you want to get possums away from your property anywhere in Melbourne, you must hire the top professionals at Humane Possum Removal Melbourne. They use all the top quality tools and the best techniques that are useful in keeping the possums and all other pests away from your house. They are known for their timely and effective pest control services in Melbourne. At Humane Possum Removal Melbourne, the professionals are very hardworking towards their work and always are ready to help their clients. Give them a call now on 03 9068 5085 and get your service booked today.

Published on: April 25, 2024

Last updated on: November 27, 2024

Found Possum Scratch Marks On Walls

If you’ve recently noticed scratch marks on your walls or ceilings, it’s possible that you have a possum living in your home. Possums are notorious for getting into space they shouldn’t, and they can cause a variety of problems for homeowners. However, it’s important to handle the possum removal situation properly to ensure that both you and the possum are safe.

What are possums and why do they scratch on walls?

Possums, also known as opossums, are marsupials native to North America. They are nocturnal creatures that feed on a variety of foods, including fruits, insects, and small mammals. Possums will often take up residence in attics, crawl spaces, and other enclosed areas to protect themselves from predators and the elements. When they do, they may scratch at walls or ceilings to create a nest or to mark their territory.

Why Do Possums Enter Your House

Possums are generally shy and solitary animals, but they may enter homes and other structures in search of food, shelter, or a place to raise their young. Here are some of the common reasons why possums may enter your house:

Food Sources: Possums are omnivores and will eat a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, insects, and even small animals. If they find a reliable source of food in or around your home, they may choose to make it their permanent residence.

Lack of Natural Habitat: Urbanisation and development can lead to the destruction of natural habitats, forcing possums to seek shelter in more urban environments. Homes and other structures can provide a safe and secure shelter for possums.

Warmth and Shelter: Possums are susceptible to cold temperatures and inclement weather and may seek warmth and shelter in homes and other structures. If your home has a basement, attic, or other dark, warm spaces, it may be particularly attractive to possums.

Easy Access: Possums are good climbers and can enter homes through holes, cracks, or other entry points. They may also use trees, vines, or other structures to climb onto roofs or into attics. If your home has easy access points, it may be more likely to attract possums.

Maternal Instincts: Female possums may enter homes and other structures to raise their young. They are attracted to warm, dark, and secure places, such as attics and basements, where they can build a nest and protect their young.

What to do if you have a Possum in your Home?

Possums are fascinating creatures, but they can be a nuisance when they decide to make your home their own. If you have a possum in your house, it is important to act quickly and safely to remove it. Here’s what you need to know about handling a possum infestation.

Don’t panic: Possums are generally not aggressive and are unlikely to harm you or your pets.

Secure your pets: If you have pets, it’s important to keep them away from the possum to avoid any potential conflicts.

Locate the point of entry: Look for holes or openings in your walls or ceilings that the possum may have used to get into your home.

Seal the entry points: Once you’ve located the entry points, it’s important to seal them to prevent the possum from returning. You can use hardware cloth or expanding foam to seal any holes or cracks.

Relocate the possum: If you have successfully sealed the entry points, the possum should eventually leave on its own. However, if you are unable to locate the point of entry or the possum has become trapped, you may need to contact a wildlife control professional for assistance.

Keep your home clean: Possums are attracted to food, so it is important to keep your home clean and free of any food sources that may attract them. This includes pet food, garbage, and compost piles.

Take preventive measures: To prevent possums from entering your home in the future, make sure to secure any loose or damaged vents or screens, and trim any overhanging tree branches that may provide a path into your home.


Dealing with a possum in your home can be a challenge, but by following these steps, you can safely and effectively remove the possum and prevent it from returning. If you are unable to handle the situation on your own, don’t hesitate to contact a wildlife control professional for assistance. With their knowledge and expertise, they can help you remove the possum and keep your home safe.

Get Professional Help

If you want to get rid of the possums from your property, make sure you hire professional pest controllers. They can help you in removing the possums and other pests as well. Professionals can help you in noticing the scratch marks of possums and get rid of them. If you want to hire the best professionals in Melbourne, you can choose the pest controllers at Humane Possum Removal Melbourne. They have all the experience required for removing all kinds of pests from your house. They offer affordable pest control services to everyone. You can reach them at 03 9068 5085 and get your quote.

Published on: April 25, 2024

How To Make Possum Repellent? What Smell Possums Hate

Do you face issues with possums entering your property and don’t know how to repel them from entering your property? Then you should get information regarding the possible possum repellents that can actively restrict their entry into your property. Possums are primarily known for the chaos they create as well as the damage they cause to your property. To overcome this, one should take necessary precautions that can help in keeping possums away. This could be installing possum deterrents or repellents or getting professional possum removal services, etc. Before the infestation gets worse, it is crucial for you to take the right step and set up the possum repellents.

If you are planning to make possum deterrents on your own and don’t know how to make them. Then this article is going to be helpful for you to know how to make possum repellent and What smell do possums hate

How To Make Possum Repellent? What Smell Possums Hate 1

How Can You Make Possum Repellents On Your Own?

If you hear the hissing or chewing sounds in the middle of the night, then it can probably be because of possums. Since they are nocturnal, they rain around the property in search of food at midnight. So, you must ensure that this is taken care of. But how? The possum repellents that you use are going to prevent possums from entering the property and are as prepared in the following manner:

Stinky Repellent

Possums can’t stand stinky odour particles, especially pungent ones. So, using such foul and pungent odour substances can keep possums away and acts as the best possum repellents. These repellents can be made out of substances in combination with two or more or can even be used as repellents alone. Here are a few products that can be used as possum repellents that have strong and pungent odour

  • Camphor
  • Mothballs
  • Garlic
  • Fertilisers derived from animals or their by-products
  • Onion
  • Fish smell

Food With Unpleasant Taste

Food items that have unpleasant taste are not preferred by possums completely. Hence they stay away from such food items and even do not prefer to be in the vicinity. Though they are not picky in eating, they do eat items that are usually available in your kitchen cabinets. So, one has to be extra careful in keeping possums away from the kitchen cabinets. The following are the specific food items that can be used to effectively repel possums

  • Fish oil
  • Garlic
  • Hot peppers
  • Onion
  • Got sauce
  • Molasses
  • Mustard
  • Quassia chips
  • Black tea

Also See: How to Identify and Remove Smell Of Dead Possum?

Homemade Possum Repellents

Store-bought repellents can be effective in keeping the possums away. But they are full of chemicals and can be dangerous. Especially if you have kids and pets on your property. So, it is ideal to opt for making your possum repellents using kitchen ingredients that are effective in keeping possums away yet are safe for your family. The information mentioned below is something that is going to benefit people, because here is how to make possum repellent.

Garlic Possum Repellent

Garlic is known for its pungent taste, which is mostly hated by possums. So the repellent made out of it will be the most effective possum repellent. This way one can achieve the best outcomes of eliminating the possums that are already present in your property as well as restricting their entry in the future as well.

How To Make It?

2 tablespoons of garlic that are finely chopped, is taken, into this add hot water (around one litre). Let this sit overnight for the water to draw the pungency of the garlic.

How To Use It?

The next day, it is important to strain the water and pour it into a spray bottle. Then this water is now sprayed in and around your property, especially the open areas where the possums can easily enter the property. It is recommended to focus mainly on gardens, lawns, backyards, etc. Use this persistently for a week, then you can get permanent solace.

Molasses Repellent

Molasses repellent hardly needs any effort! Because this is the easiest repellent that one can make. Because of its robust taste, possums usually don’t prefer this. As a result, it does wonders for possums that are pesky and hard to capture. Therefore, this is the best possum deterrent that can be made easily and the results are outstanding.

How To Make It?

In order to prepare this, all you need to do is dissolve the molasses that is bought at the store, in water. To this add dishwashing solution. Shake and stir it thoroughly to mix it up. Now transfer it into a sprayer.

How To Use It?

You can simply spray it on the leaves of plants that possums usually feed on and also on certain food items that are kept at several entry points. This helps in masking the food taste and possums taste the robust taste of it and leaves the spot.

Must Read: How to Get Rid of Possum?

Quassia Chips Repellent

Quassia chips are also one of the best and most efficient ways to deal with possums. Quassia bark is used as the repellent, as possums hate the way it tastes.

How To Make It?

Add 50-80 grams of quassia chips into 1 litre of boiling water. Keep this aside for an hour, that’s when the water draws all the potency of these barks into the water. That’s when it is important to strain it out.

How To Use It?

Strain the water and the obtained solution is highly effective in repelling possums. So, simply spray the concentrated water around the garden and lawn. And watch the wonders!


Possums are nocturnal dwellers, hence taking the best preventive measures is important to keep them away. And one should know how to make possum repellent. What smell do possums hate? So, it becomes easier for you to analyse how to tackle possums on your own. In case the condition gets worse, it is ideal to seek professional possum removal services right away.

Published on: April 25, 2024

How Long Do Possums Live

Possums are sneaky marsupials generally found in Australia and New Zealand. They have a thick, bushy tail, a pointed snout, thick body fur, and large pointed ears. There are about 27 species of possums present but the most common ones are Brushtail possums and Ringtail possums. They are normally found in 2 colours that are grey and black. An adult possum has a weight of 1.5 to 5 kg and is 65 to 95 cm long. Possums are nocturnal animals and are always in search of food and shelter. These are omnivorous, that is they can feed on both plants and small animals. They can enter any property and live there in search of food and shelter and so they are considered pests as they are one of the greatest threats to our natural environment.

How Long Do Possums Live?

Every animal has an average lifespan which depends upon several factors and so as the Possum. They have an average lifespan of 5-8 years. Of the 2 main species, Ringtail Possums can live between 10-12 years while a Brushtail Possum can live up to 13 years. Females have a greater survival rate than male possums. Some factors that may affect the lifespan of possums are predation, lack of food sources, habitat degradation, and humans. All these factors are sometimes the reason for their shorter lifespan.

Also See: How to Identify and Remove Smell Of Dead Possum?

Life Cycle Of Possum

Possums go through many stages during their life cycle, including birth, infancy, adolescence, and adulthood. So, the general overview of the life cycle of possums are:

  • Birth: With a gestation period of 16-24 months, the female possum gives birth to a single child. These are found in an undeveloped state called a joey. It is about the size of a jellybean, blind and hairless. Breeding mainly occurs throughout the year but mostly in spring.
  • Infancy: During the development phase, the joey remains in the mother’s pouch for about 2-3 months. It gets all the nourishment it needs from the mother’s milk for the development of fur, the ability to hear, and eyesight also.
  • Adolescence: Joey becomes more independent after the development phase and now he begins to explore their surroundings and learn essential skills. It then gradually weans off the mother’s milk and consumes food on its own.
  • Adulthood: The adulthood stage of the possum is around 7-12 months of age. This is the stage when it becomes sexually mature and capable of reproduction.

Must Read: Is It A Possum Or A Rat In My Roof?

Factors Influencing Possum Longevity

There are a number of factors that influence the longevity of possums. Some of the key factors are described below:

  • Environmental factors: Many factors can impact the survival rate of possums, including habitat quality, the presence of predators and also the availability of food and water, etc.
  • Predation and diseases: Possum easily gets predated by large animals, domestic animals, or birds of prey. But the intensity of affection for these factors depends upon the location and specific possum species. Various bacteria, viruses, and fungi may also have the tendency to infest possums, through which they suffer from a number of diseases.
  • Diet and nutrition: As human beings require a balanced diet, possums also require various nutrients from a number of food sources to enhance the working of the immune system to prevent diseases. The abundance or deficiency of which decides their lifespan.
  • Species: There are many species of possums found which differ in their life span like the Brushtail possum has a lifespan of 7-13 years while the Ringtail possum has 10-12 years.

For some good reason, possums have been protected by law, so we must contribute to the safety of such species. If you want possums removed from your house contact our humane possum removal experts and they will help you do it in a humane and safe manner.

Published on: April 25, 2024

Some of the possums like Brushtail or Ringtail possums are the most adaptable and versatile; you can find them in the middle of the cities at any hour of the day. They live much of their lives over your heads. Possums are intriguing and adorable animals, but they can cause problems when they decide to share your roof with you. There are a number of activities that possums may perform like searching for food at night is one of them. These activities could result in pricey roof tile damage. So in this post, you will look at the four easy ways to stop possums from damaging your roof tiles.

Understanding Possum Behaviour

Before moving toward the four ways to stop possums from damaging your roof tiles, it is important to comprehend why possums are drawn to your roof. It is because, being a nocturnal animal, possums search for protection in the daytime from predators and the outdoors and that is why they are drawn to roof spaces. Another reason is that the warmth and comfort of your attic may also draw them inside. On the roof, they cause a huge amount of damage and that is why possum removal is essential.

4 Ways To Prevent Possum From Damaging Your Roof Tiles

There are various methods for the control of possums to prevent roof tile damage so let’s explore some of them:

Trim Overhanging Branches

Possums frequently use overhanging branches to access your roof as they are skilled climbers. When any of the tree branches hang close to your roof, trim it to avoid possum access. You should always make sure that branches are at least 4-5 feet away from your roof. If you create this natural barrier then possum will find it more challenging to access your roof.

Use Deterrents

To prevent possums from approaching your roof, you can use several deterrents which are given below:

  • Motion-activated lights: By installing this, as possums approach, the unexpected illumination can surprise them and cause them to retreat.
  • Repellent sprays: Always keep possum-repellent sprays on your property. When possums are most likely to access your roof, put these sprays on them.
  • Ultrasonic devices: Put ultrasonic devices in your attic or near your roof. It is because possums and other pests find these devices’ high-pitched sounds repulsive.
  • Scare tools: Some gadgets like fake owls or hawks have the ability to scare possums occasionally. You can also frequently move them to prevent possums from becoming acclimated to these gadgets.

Must See: How To Possum Proof Your Roof?

Install Possum-proof Barriers

Possums can be effectively kept off your roof by installing possum-proof obstacles. Here are some of the alternatives to think about:

  • Possum-proof fencing: Possum-proof fences are made up of metal or wire mesh and are intended to be too high for a possum to scale. Install them all the way around your property to keep them away.
  • Possum-proof vent covers: It is a good idea as possums can occasionally infiltrate your roof through vents. You can install robust wire mesh or metal vent covers to prevent their access.
  • Seal entry points: It is the very first procedure to examine your entire roof for any gaps or openings from which possums can get into your attic or roof. You can use strong materials like wire mesh or metal flashing to block their access.
  • Gutter guards: You should install gutter guards as possums can access your roof through the gutters. As a result, possums cannot climb up these mesh screens which are often used to cover gutters.

Also See: Is It Bad To Have Possums On Your Roof?

Climb-proof Tree Trunks

Sometimes, you may not be able to control the trees that grow themselves in your yard, although the number of branches that grow towards your home and roof may be under your control. To get prevention from this, you can install mature tree guards that cover the trunk out of aluminium or plastic. Make sure that the tree guard is installed at least 2 m above the ground to prevent the possum from climbing anything to access the tree’s trunk above the guard.


To stop possums from destroying your roof tiles, you can use a variety of tactics. Implement a multi-pronged strategy that involves cutting overhanging branches, utilising deterrents, erecting possum-proof barriers, and climb-proof tree trunks. If all the above methods cannot be able to give you complete satisfaction, then you can seek professional assistance to get the perfect results. But first of all, it is necessary to study possums behaviour. By following these precautions, you can safeguard your roof tiles and keep your house possum-free.

Published on: April 25, 2024

Last updated on: November 27, 2024