Get Ready For Winter Possum Removal

Possum Removal Treatmentn

Winter is arriving and so are the major problems caused by the possum in your house. With the low temperature, this does not indicate that the damages will be low. But they may increase if proper possum control is not performed before winters. If winter has already started then also it could be performed. It is never too late but as soon as you realize how serious the problem is. You need to take some preventive measures to stop their effects. You need to hire professional Possum Removal Services in Melbourne. So, you can opt DIY Possum control steps to easily get rid of them.

Perform the basic necessary steps to stop their presence and stop them from increasing their population. As it could surely damage your house and belongings even more. It may also cause many serious health damages to you as well as your family members.

In this article, we have some preventive measures that you can apply for possum removal from your home. Before winters and in the extreme conditions, this process may become slow and tiring. So, perform it as soon as you get time to take care for your health and your family.

Possum Removal Treatmentn

Steps for possum removal

  • 1. Possum Traps; At first you can start with installing several possum traps near your house and in your garden area to catch these uninvited guests which are present in your house and creating a mess. You can even buy some traps from your local market. Or you can even make one at home by following the DIY Possum trap construction. This will help you to catch the possum in a quick and simple manner
  • 2. Cleaning garden and basement; This another step involves cleaning of your basement or your garden as mostly possums are present in the dark and humid area. By cleaning such an area in your house there are greater chances that you may find any nest of these pests. Destroy the nest and clean your area to remove these pests from your home.
  • 3. Possum Poison; This last tip may sound a bit hard but this is the most effective and the quick method to get rid of the possums which are present in your house, You can purchase such balls from your local market and spread it in your house or even add it to their meal so that they may consume it and may die . They will surely die due to the poison present in their meal and you will be free from the dangers caused by them. Make sure that you do not use this method if kids or dogs are present in your house. As they can consume it which will cause them serious health issues.


In this article, we have mentioned about how you can perform possum control if they are present in your house,possum control cost is necessary before winter as they may try to enter your house due to the heat present inside and the food may attract them. You can even hire professional pest control services to get effective and quick results for this problem.

Dead Possum 1

Possums are standard guests to the nurseries of Melbourne, particularly the normal brushtail and regular ringtail possums.
They both are night-time creatures, however, brushtail possums are about the size of a feline, with ragged dark tails, thick dim-colored hide, and huge ears, while ringtails are likewise pale in color, yet are littler, with small tears, and thin, white-tipped tails.
Brushtails favor enormous old gum trees with hollows to settle in, yet these are getting rare in recent times. And it compels them to search for some other place to hide and breed, meaning your rooftop.
Ringtails, which likewise home in trees, do not normally like this type of living.
The standard indications of having possums in the house rooftop are overwhelmingly striking, especially inside the roof or rooftop around evening time. This time they remain busy making all sorts of erratic sounds, murmuring, or hacking ear-splitting commotions. Moreover, they have the tendency to stain or a mark with a solid alkaline smell that comes from their pee!
Mostly, all types of possums are ensured in and around Australia, so on the off chance that you have to get one out of your house rooftop, you should do it altruistically and have the proper ways and means of doing the same. Do you have a fuzzy housemate you did prefer to oust? You should, without any delay contact us – Humane Possum Removal and get your heavenly habitat clean from these pesky possums.

Dead Possum Assessments

In some cases, possums can bite the dust inside the rooftop or divide pits of houses. Frequently the principal indication of a dead possum in a haze of flies inside the house and the smell that can be very awful with the dead creature remains. Remember that and a dead possum can smell inside a rooftop for as long as 2 months! It is an unavoidable truth that the dead smells are horrendous and can linger around for a considerable length of time before the remains of the body carcass dry out enough for the smell to diminish.
In some cases, the creature passes on from old age or following a genuine physical issue, most frequently because of an impact with a vehicle or getting attacked by a canine or a feline. But you should keep this in mind that the Possums are protected species under the wildlife act. So it is unlawful to purposely use any toxic substance or kill them.
There are a few choices, however, denying the access of these possums to your rooftop space turns sometimes unavoidable.
On the off chance that you have at any point had a possum living over your roof, you did think about it. They are known to be loud while they walk along with your rooftop pit. You have to remain extra cautious to take them out of the same and follow some permanent measures to keep them away from your living premises forever. Take the stoic decision to contact us at the Humane Possum Removal at Melbourne to get benefitted from the finest and safest services against possum infestations.

What Are The Issues Related To Possums?

Possums may choose to settle in your rooftop voids and gaps while messing the entire place with their droppings and pee all-around the home. Their smell of that pee can be especially intense and could pervade roofs and give out a stinking odor for a long duration. Much like rodents and mice, possums chews and gnaws on pretty much whatever comes in their way – and that incorporates effectively the open-ended electrical wire and circuits too!
You may have an issue with possums when you happen to hear them scratching or running around in your house roof and attics. Possums are nocturnal animals, so on the off chance that their presence is felt, especially when they tend to make clamor around evening time. It is essential for you to take note of any presence of rats, as these pesky possums also survive on the same!

Reasons Behind Possums Infestation

These versatile and typically undesirable house visitors are exceptionally lured towards the human houses. Possums like to make their homes inside roofs and house divider pits. The possums found in urban areas seem to like human-constructed structures like houses, and a single rooftop space can be a brilliant option for their living. Many of you will frequently depict a ‘pounding and thumping’ noise when the possums walk over rooftop pits. The same is conjoined with shrieking, smashing, and scratching sounds for the entire duration of the night. A few people would not fret having possums around, yet for most, they are viewed as a destructive pest in light of the clamor and the continuous harm they can cause.

Indications Possum Infestation At Your Place

There are numerous indications that you should not know about the sort of possum infestation at your place. To evacuate the specific kind of infestation from your place it is important to know which pest has assaulted your place. You should get the know-how of the accompanying signs if you are having possum at your place:

  • 1. Possums are night-time implies that they remain dynamic and active around evening time. You can feel their essence as they make uproarious noises while moving or running.
  • 2. Possums create filthy smells through their organs.
  • 3. You can see various damages in your nursery or garden region which shows the presence of possums inside the premises.
  • 4. You can see the half-eaten vegetables and leaves in your nursery area.
  • 5. Possums make marks with their paws which you can follow to find them.
  • 6. If you need to find them, you have to do that around evening time when they are generally active, searching for food.
  • 7. You can see the disappearance of your pet food kept outside.
  • 8. Possums make noisy scratching noises while building their homes.
  • 9. Their eyes shine around evening time which makes it simpler to spot them.
  • 10. They have sharp teeth that can harm your furnishings, tree logs, and numerous different things.

You have to get proficient assistance from the possum controlling agencies near you, when you feel possum infestations, as living with possums under the same rooftop can be destructive!

Precautionary Steps To Take Against Possums

When you have had a possum expelled from your property, there might be a need to take some preventive measures to guarantee it does not return. This could include fixing all conceivable possum entryways, focusing in and around your living habitat. Keep in mind the hanging branches of the trees in your courtyard or garden can likewise be an issue. These overhanging branches cater to easy access to these possums, in search of shelter and food, inside your house rooftop or attic.
Ensure your house waste is properly well-secured and that any pet food is not kept open or in those places where it is easy for the possums’ access.

Possums Evacuation – How Is It Done

  • Our possum specialists start by finding its entry point in your house rooftops.
  • A pen trap is set over that particular section point.
  • We take a day’s time to ensure that we get all possums evacuated from the rooftop.
  • Once the creature is caught, we place it in a dark and dim place, while we conceal the entire zone to stop further possum infestation.
  • Area sealing includes fixing up the rooftop’s entrance point and sprinkling disinfectant or repellents on that particular section to cover the creature’s body odor from attracting it later.
  • We let loose the possums, mainly during sunset time. By following the legal proceedings, it must be discharged within fifty meters of where it was caught.

Diy Remedies To Get Rid Of Possums

  • Cleaning the Rooftops and backyards – Clean all debris from the eating areas, rooftops and backyards and securely stash these inside the trash bins and garbage cans.
  • Use Mothballs – Box of mothballs does wonders if strewn in the places that are regularly infested by Possums.
  • Seal all the Vents – Seal all the entryways. You can use the electrified barrier too.
  • Chop Down Long Branches of Trees
  • Get rid of their old living habitats and spray repellents
  • A fence around the house – To control the possums, electrical and joined wire fencing is a smart thought.
  • Use Ammonia as a Deterrent – Alkali is the effective method of expelling them from the house and gardens since it smells horrendous.
  • Introduce Sprinkler in Your Yard – You ought to introduce sprinklers in the spots where you speculate that the possums will make their home.
  • Contact a trusted local Possum exterminating expert
  • Use Spice – Stew powder in bottle
  • Use Cat or Dog Hair – The smell of their hair is the best stunt to trick possums that there could be some other creature close to the house, who can expel or kill them!

Remove Possums From Your Roof – Basic Steps To Follow

Prior to any technique to expel possums, note that possums are ensured under the Wildlife Act of 1975. They should not be killed or hurt or even kept inside cages from the Department of Natural Resources and Environment. So, when you are performing a possum extermination process, be amazingly mindful so as to think about the creature and the various rules following the same. Possums have attacked homes in light of the fact that their regular natural surroundings have been altered because of deforestation and massive cultivation processes. Melbourne landowners have announced a genuinely high occurrence of possums particularly in the residential areas close to the shrublands. On the off chance that you are positive about taking care of creatures, at that point you should contact your closest possum handler like us – Humane Possum Removal for all proficient and self-reliant assistance for dead possum removal.

Stage 1: Identify The Type Of Possums Living In Your Roof

The Brushtail and the Ringtail Possum are the two sorts of possums found in rural Australia. In the woods, these creatures live in tree hollows. In urban areas where there are restricted trees, possums use roofs, rooftops, and overhang as their hideaways. These spots are safe places for them since they are warm and dry giving a protected place to rest during the day. Brushtail Possums inhabiting most of Melbourne are copper-colored with a rugged thick tail. They feed on various flowers, leaves, and natural products. They are exceptionally boisterous while guarding their hideouts. Ringtails are smaller in size and not as normal-looking and ordinary as the Brushtails. They have long, tightening and thick tails, agreeable in nature and not boisterous like Brushtails.

Stage 2: Blocking Possum Entry Points

Around 95 percent of possums in Melbourne make their entrances into houses by means of trees. Trees give a fast and simple mode of access for possums to go into your rooftop. You can introduce aluminum or plastic gatekeepers around fully-grown trees. Trim the branches that can help these animals to move into the house rooftop. Possums are good sprinters, so you have to limit a possum’s entry to the house rooftop by trimming trees and bushes by five to six meters each.

Stage 3: Remove Possums Already Habiting the Roof, Ceiling, and Eaves

Possums are very fiery, particularly the Brushtail implying that they can lift a rooftop tile effectively while scanning for a spot to live.

  • Examine the roof to check for openings they may have used to advance in. You can do this by checking for the same during daylight in the roof.
  • Then, put a bright light in the rooftop gap for around three to four evenings in order to make their stay difficult, as they are nocturnal animals. This will drive the possum out!
  • Block off these holes in the wake of ensuring that the possum is not inside the same sleeping.
  • Spray the possum infested area with a good and effective disinfectant to eradicate the creature’s body odor, and discontinue on their re-occurrence.
  • Abstain from using any unsafe and toxic synthetic substances to expel their foul-smelling body odor, as it tends to be harmful to all possums.

Stage 4: Install A Possum Nesting Box

You can give an elective home to the possum by introducing a powerful and weatherproof possum box for Brushtails or Ringtails. Fix the possum box to a tree and place it sufficiently high, so that the creature will be far off from cats and dogs. You can contact experts from Humane Possum Removal to build the home. They are always well-equipped to build the possum boxes so that the same lasts long.

Stage 5: Deter Possums Using Traps and Repellents

You can deter possums with different possum evacuation methods and using safe anti-agents. Possum sprays are broadly accessible in the market, and along with the same, you can also introduce possum spikes all-along the head of the fence to debilitate their entrance. It is illegal to kill these pests when they have made your rooftop their home, as per government regulations. There are possum traps, widely sold in many pest control retail outlets which you can use to trap possums and let them loose around evening time. Remember that these irritable Possums must be let free in their own area, that is, in and around fifty to sixty meters of the site where they are caught.

Possum Extermination In Melbourne And Surrounding Areas – Estimated Expenses

Humane Possum Removal is a specialist in expelling dead possums from your house rooftops and attics. Our possum removal costs extend somewhere in the range of $150 to $350, which is less expensive than most other pest control agencies in Melbourne. The over-all expenses are very reasonable from our side, initiating at $150 for quick possum exterminations, and $350 when there is more work included with the same. That includes catching the possum while sealing the entire possum infested territory permanently.
In the event that you have a possum in your house rooftop or attic region, our Humane Possum Removal experts are fully authorized to meet-out all the related possum extermination tasks.

Why Choose Humane Possum Removal in Melbourne?

  • We have a group of exceptionally gifted and well-prepared experts.
  • Our group has been engaged in possum extermination for over a decade.
  • We take full responsibility for safe and viable expulsion of possum from all possum-infested premises.
  • The services we give are completely ensured and result oriented.
  • Our experts believe in total consumer loyalty and satisfaction.
  • We can handle any kind of possum nuisance present at the premises.
  • We have a group of possum extermination specialists with 24×7 accessibility of all the concerned services.
  • Our all services are government registered.
  • We use eco-accommodating arrangements during the possum removal services.
  • We additionally cater to solving all critical situations to all our revered customers of Melbourne.

Hire Humane Possum Removal Melbourne Exterminators

Possum extermination and sealing the rooftop is a piece of a home support venture that is disregarded by numerous individuals until these clamoring and scuttering possums make one’s night hour an awkward one! On the off chance that you discover the possum extermination process troublesome on your own, you should contact us, the Humane Possum Removal in Melbourne. We are one of the trusted possum exterminators proficient in catering to all related requirements. You can rely upon us with all confidence and faith. We are the authorized possum control agency in Melbourne who can assist you with expelling these destructive pests from your living premise and give you a secured life.

Possum Removal Melbourne

Call Us 03 9068 5085 & Get Possum Proofing Services

Location: 111 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

Smell Of Possum

Whether or not it is a dead possum or any other creature like a big rodent, the dead creature smell fills the air with a scent of rottenness. You can avail of various ways and means to eradicate the same. Right from trying your hands over the same, to calling the possum experts from Melbourne’s Humane Possum Removal, here are few ways to manage it. The initial step to recapturing the natural air is finding and disposing of the dead possum remains. Read below the detailed discussion to get the exact know-how about the same.

Dead Possum Odour – What Is It?

The death smell is difficult to understand and digest. Be that as it may, a great many people will perceive something awful is going on with one sniff. Lamentably, you probably will not notice that you have a dead possum to manage until their body starts to rot inside your house attic, or out in the garden or courtyard. Be that as it may, in the event that you unexpectedly begin smelling an awful scent of a dead carcass, be sure to take all the initiatives to dispose of the dead body.

The size of possums and the natural conditions in the places they breathe their last, the possum dead body makes creates a horrible smell keeping the entire place stinking for a handful of days to a couple of months! The horrendous smell will wait until the dead possum remains have totally dried out!

Genuine Concerns Related To Dead Possum

Regardless of whether the possum died inside your house attic, rooftop, or out in the yard, the dead smell of the carcass and the dead possum remains can prompt different issues.

  • A dead possum lying outside pulls in many other scavengers.
  • Dead possums inside the house attic or cracks and crevices of the roofs can prompt infestation of flies, and other pests to that particular place.
  • The dead possum’s body-liquids starts dirtying various home fixes to roofs, floors, partitions, and dividers.
  • The awful odor of the dead possum brings about migraines and queasiness.
  • Since the dead possum body is the ideal one attracting flies and worms, various diseases can happen because of the spread of these flies.
  • In the event that the dead possum had insects or ticks, these nuisances would now be able to move to your pets.

This is the reason it is essential for you to find the whereabouts of the bad odor and dispose of the dead possum at the earliest opportunity.

Variables Affecting the Smell of Dead Possum

  • Possum Size: Larger possums produce all the more rotting tissue, which leads to more of the foul smell. A dead possum delivers a heavy amount of bad odor than a dead mouse!
  • Location of the dead possum: If the dead possum dies inside the house attic, the rooftops, or in any other zone, which is far to reach, the terrible stench is more effective and waits longer than in a very much ‘well-aired’ area.
  • Decomposition State of the dead possum: The lifecycle of the dead possum’s smell relies upon its size and the ecological conditions. It can take a few days for the decay to begin when the dead possum’s carcass body odor is mild and afterward turns more strong. As worms begin devouring the body the smell begins to debilitate and once the body is totally dried out, the smell dies down.
  • Temperature and Humidity: When temperatures inside the house attic or outside in the garden or courtyard are hotter, the decaying of the dead possum is quicker. In this way, it caters to more strong stenches. At the point when it is humid, you will have more chance to smell the bad odor of dead possum. What is more? The damp or wet weather conditions also speed the procedure of rotting.
  • Air: The smell of dead possum smell scent stands strong mainly during the night time as the airflow inside, warms up and rises upwards.

The truth is dead possums smell a lot. And paying attention towards the dead possum’s odor, the vast majority of house owners in Melbourne cannot stay on forever with the smell, staying for an excessively long period.

Dead Animal Location – Inside Vs. Outside

Regardless of whether the dead possum foul smell is originating from someplace outside in the yard or inside the house, the primary thing you will need to do in any such circumstance is to discover the whereabouts of the same. Obviously, managing a dead possum corpse found outside is normally simpler and more clear than if the possum’s carcass is found someplace inside.

Most dead possums you will discover are those that you see as often as possible around the house attics and rooftop and even make their homes for breeding there!

Must Read: How To Keep Possums Away From Fruit Trees

Disposing of The Dead Possum Carcass

On the off chance that you choose to deal with disposing of the dead possum’s body yourself, find a way to stay safe also. Simply after you dispose-off the dead possum, you would probably think of being able to get rid of the terrible stench.

  • Depending on the size of the dead possum (full-grown one a young one) and where it is found, you have to wear gloves, now and then a gas mask, and ‘defensive’ garments like a long sleeve shirt and long jeans.
  • After you find the dead possum cadaver, do not simply bury it in the yard where your pet dog may uncover the same. Envelope the body by paper and wall it in firmly in a plastic packet or disposable bag. Dispose of the same in an area where the different animals cannot get to it.

To avoid all these confusions and the chances to get contaminated by the carcass of dead possum, you should contact the Humane Possum Removal of Melbourne. We have our experts who are the best ones to solve the issue in a matter of minutes! Our customer care is open 24×7, and you can contact us for an immediate response. Our response team will reach at your place in no time and help in disposing of the dead possum carcass, somewhere safe.

Eradicating The Dead Possum Smell

In the wake of evacuating and disposing of the dead possum corpse, you should dispose of the dead possum’s smell. The terrible stench can keep going for quite a long time or months. Our possum experts, after disposing-of the dead possum corpse, cleans the entire affected area. With the aid of effective disinfectants, odor-eliminating products, and sprays, they fumigate the entire place, along with the house.

Diy Solutions To Eradicate Dead Possum Smell

  • Vinegar
  • Ground Coffee
  • Baking Soda
  • Charcoal Briquettes

Seal Any Entry Points of Possum infestation

  • One of the most significant strides in taking out any future issues is to find and fix the entry points of possum infestation. Moreover, you should seal the exteriors, like fencing the garden walls in order to forestall the meandering of possums into your courtyard.
  • Check out the house at each spot where plumbing or electrical apparatuses enter — and seal them. Moreover, keep any shrubberies or trees planted in and around the house. Keeping any entryway fixed goes far in forestalling all future issues.
  • Possums being ensured species under the Australian government ought to be taken out from your abode and discharged inside around fifty meters or on the property itself. Consequently, you should close all the passageways, especially the smokestacks, attics, and rooftops. Be that as it may, at that point, all precautionary measures will help in maintaining a strategic distance from any future issue.

Hire Humane Possum Removal Experts Possum Exterminators

There are circumstances where you may pick an expert for removal of a dead possum and fumigating the entire section. In the event that it is a major task of cleaning all remains from the difficult-to-get to area, you should contact Melbourne’s Humane Possum Removal experts. Our expert possum removal executives are available 24×7 at your service and stand as the most ideal choice.

The proficient possum experts of Humane Possum Removal take an extra initiative in discovering the exact source of the smell of dead possum, expelling the dead possum corpse, tidying up the body liquids and fumigating with a bad odor remover and smell neutralizer. Furthermore, these professional experts also try to find out where these destructive and horrible possums get inside the premises and thus fix the possum-infested territory, along with the passage point.

Also See: How To Make Possum Repellent? What Smell Possums Hate

What Is The Cost We Offer To Remove Dead Possum?

While on the go with the disposing of the dead possum from your residential premises, our dead possum removal cost range from $375 to $430. There are various packages from which you can choose the best and the affordable for your benefit. For instance, the multi-tasking packages, to a single-task one, we have all the options available for your ready reference.

Humane Possum Removal – We Are The Best!

Melbourne’s Possum extermination happens with a lot of care and alert. What is more, that is the place where Humane Possum Removal enters the field. Our group of well-prepared and efficient people is consistently ready to comprehend all your possum-related issues. Inferable from their expert understandings, they know about the few subtleties of that very situation while identifying the correct procedure of possum extermination. We manage all the lawful issues with the most extreme consideration, and the committed innovative team members use all the recent techniques to fathom the severity of the issue. No doubt, Possum Removal requires aptitude, dexterity, and good know-how. So, without any further deliberation, contact us to get the smell of dead possum out from your living habitat.

Rid of Possum

Possums are hairy and nestling animals with adorable looks! But, never mess with them as they can make destruction at your place in tremendous amounts. They can even cause danger to your pets while grabbing the food from them. Possums generally get difficult to deal with by a house-owner as they prefer living in unhygienic situations. They are night-time creatures which imply they become dynamic and active around evening time. If you have possums inside or near your living habitat at night is truly not a healthy idea. So how to dispose of a possum? It is the greatest inquiry ever!! Let us dive deep into the procedures of getting rid of these Possums.

Be Aware Of Your Next-door Rival: The Possum !!

It stands sometimes and actually feasible for most fully grown creatures to get affected with infectious rabies, but for a possum to have rabies is not so common a thing to happen. This is to a great extent because of the possum’s low internal heat level, which makes it hard for the rabies infection to endure. But getting bitten by a possum is essentially not a pleasurable experience either! Instead, if you are bitten by the same, you should go in for a thorough clinical check-up.

Fortunately, possums have a typically laid-back attitude and will never be energetic and vigorous except if incited. However, in specific circumstances, possums are known to lash out in self-defense, for example, when enraged by any defensive or excessively spirited feline or canine. This is when possums turn to be huge trouble-maker to many of the house pets.

These creatures have some of the common characteristics that are essential for you to note with the end goal of pest eviction. They are ‘marsupials’, which implies they are equipped for holding up to twelve to thirteen little possums hatchlings in their gut at one time. In the event that one possum is left unperturbed, the count might rise to fourteen inside the gut, within half a month’s time!

Possums being omnivorous creatures generally feasts out over almost anything and everything lying around them. This implies any old waste food item or rotting food stands as a reasonable game to keep these folks around and busy.
Possums are famous for playing dead, or “feigning unconsciousness”!

Rid of Possum-1

Indications of Having Possum at Your Place

Now and then it is basically certain that you are having pest invasion at your place however you do not have the foggiest idea what sort of pest has attacked your home. These possums are similar to night-time rodents, however, they are uproarious. So, they additionally become unassumingly obvious in some cases during the day time. Possibly you should be having a crowd of possums at your place when you notice their accompanying infestation signs.

Disappearing of Pet Food

Possums typically prefer to benefit from pet food, particularly feline food. On the off chance that you are having a pet at your place, at that point never keep their food outside, for the entire night, as possums are generally dynamic and active at night. They attempt to take the undue advantage of them and you probably will find the food to vanish in no time! You should deal with your pet as possum can cause harm to them while battling for food!

Damaged Exterior of the Building

Possums as a rule attempt to go inside the house or stay and breed inside the wall dividers. It will come into your notice that your outside is being harmed which is the primary sign that your premises are being pervaded by possums. They can likewise harm your different property-related items like roofs, water-pipes, attics and storing areas, carports, and so on.

Scratching Noises

While making their staying places, possums tend to make uproarious, ear-splitting, and scratching noises. They cause similar commotions as the rats, yet you can differentiate their presence, as they are huge creatures, with very much audible movements.

Nasty Smells

As these possums are comparatively bigger in size than the other pests, so their droppings are significantly bigger in size and dissipated everywhere, causing a terrible smell. There can likewise be chances also that when the possums get caught, they create a terrible smell.

Possible Hiding Spots For Possums:

Rid of Possum-2

Possums have some normal areas of hiding themselves and making homes for many days. And the possums likewise pick the right places where they can live for long! In this way, here are the best areas where they are found:


An open entryway is a reasonable option for the possums to get inside your home, as it is their best spot of haven. You may discover possums at your place particularly when you are having pets inside the same. The entryways generally meant for canines pull in possums as they can enter the premises through it without any problem.

Garage and carport areas

We may, at times, welcome some unwanted visitors while opening or shutting the carport entryways, without any knowledge. These Possums enter the carport and get into some dull-lit areas while shrouding till many days. They generally plan where there will be ample access to food and water.


For possums, an upper room is the best spot to live as they locate the storage room dry and warm. On the off chance that you are living in or close to the wooden territory, at that point you have to ensure that the property is totally possum free as living with possums can be perilous.

House decks

Possums think that it is simple to make a living inside your home under the deck as there are a lot bigger holes to experience a comfortable stay and remain hidden safely. You then have to call for proficient assistance from the pest control agencies like us on the grounds of taking out these possums from the deck. It stands as the most troublesome undertaking, as while exterminating the possums from all these difficult places makes these pests erratic and they also have the tendency to bite!


It is very certain that if you are having trees close to your rooftop, at that point you have the most chances of these possums’ existence. The house rooftops seem to be the most vulnerable feature and stand difficult to get through while exterminating these nocturnal destructive pests. You should definitely call the professional pest control agencies in Melbourne, like the Humane Possum Removal Agency. We will cater to all your pest related issues with the finest of our team members, who ought to dive inside of your possum infected premises.

DIY Tips to Remove Possums

Having fuzzy housemates like these possums is what you would probably never prefer seeing. You can try your hands on some of these useful DIY tricks to eliminate these pesky pests away from the premises!!

  • Application of chemical repellents
  • Blackstrap Molasses
  • Make use of mothballs
  • Strew the fur of cat or dog
  • Spray all-around the garden with fresh garlic-mixed water.
  • Mechanized traps
  • Motion-activated sensory devices
  • Electrical Fencing
  • Garden or courtyard lights

These DIY tips act as a standard eliminator to clear the affected house sections by possums. Still, it is advised to consult the professional pest exterminating agencies like us to run the entire process smoothly.

Measures To Remove Possums

There are numerous preventive measures that you can take to keep the possums from going inside the house. Here is a portion of these preventive measures for you to get better know-how:

  • Try to cover all the entry points from where the possums can get inside your living habitat.
  • You can make use of meshes to cover the huge openings and any ventilation gaps to prevent possum’s entry.
  • Cut or trim down the parts of the tree so that these possums cannot get on the rooftops with the assistance of hanging branches.
  • Use manageable covers to shield the lower deck of the house.
  • Never leave outside any waste-bins or food items. It will not just lure the possums yet different creatures and pests will likewise get pulled in too!
  • Try to tidy up the food extras or left-overs as possums get pulled in to all these items.

You can follow these techniques to dispose of possums, however, it is not ensured of the complete extermination of the possums. It is thus suggested that you should call an expert possum catcher for this type of service as these possums to tend to become resistant, all-through the process of exterminating them. In this way, it stands smarter to call for proficient assistance from Humane Possum Removal Agency in Melbourne to experience thorough care, as well as the best and viable outcomes in recent times!

Possum Removal In Melbourne: Stratagems To Tick-off the Pesky Possums

Melbourne’s initial experience with a possum is not really a favorable one. And why will it be? Possums are not normal, as compared to the regular creepy crawlies. Rather, it can cause huge uneasiness and property destruction among the house-owners.
These strong and small-sized critters can cause a lot of concerns, as they prefer to hang out in storage rooms, attics, carport, or for all intents and purposes any other slithering spaces or wall partitions. Possums are drastically increasing in number in all rural regions.
You can apply certain significant yet effective strategies to deal with your critical situation owing to possum infestation.

Seal The Entry Points

Once you hear noises of ripping in your upper attic room, carport, shed, or backyards of your home, it is none but the presence of these possums! Regardless of what kind of critter it is, this deterrent measure works for all. Low-lying house decks are particularly vulnerable to be penetrated by possums if its entry points are not satisfactorily fixed. Go for a thorough inspection of your home to distinguish any conceivable entryway and seal them off to forestall any re-emergence of possums.

Dispose of Any Possible Left-over Meals properly

Possums, of all likelihood are simply after your food and wastes. Disposing of any potential left-over food items will help in keeping these pests from further attack.

Set a trap

Since possums are simple to trap inside a confined cage. But you should be extra careful, as when these creatures are cornered, they tend to attack or bite. So, it is best to leave the entire tedious work in the hands of expert pest controllers of Melbourne, like the ones from Humane Possum Removal. We have a special team of exterminators, who are deft in tackling all these impossible situations, and make the entire exercise a possible one!

Alarm Them Away

This is one of the most fundamental pest control strategies out there in light of the fact that it works. Most possums are extraordinarily aversive to human contact. So, in the event that you see one of them waddling around your lawn, just try creating fear in them with a stick! Sometimes, this strategy to work wonders!

Call Pest Control

The erratic possum issue from time to time can turn out to be baffling for all house-owners, If possums are left undisturbed or never eliminated from their infested areas, they generally take advantage of the entire property and begin with their destruction process. These possum issues can be taken care of, to some extent by disposing the left-over food items, trash and other potential food sources. The indoor ones (those staying inside the house) requires some additional control. You should immediately get hold of us, as the best pest control team in Melbourne to dispose of these possums. Our team is expert in taking deterrent measures to exterminate and later fumigate your living abode permanently.

Get a Good Guard Dog

A good, efficient and defensive guard dog is sufficient to keep most interlopers far away.

Repellent Products Work quite seldom

In case you are thinking about approaching this issue, by using various repellent products, you may be somewhat disillusioned. The store bought repellent items next with no impact on possums, and the total expenditure that you need to purchase them could cause various negative consequences for yourself and your own pets.

Cater for a quarterly Pest Control Visits

Having a pest control visit in your property is none but a priceless resource to exterminate the possums and other pests. Standardised planning and booking the pest controllers will manage these pest issues smoothly.

Trim Your Yard and Garden

When your garden looks less welcoming, automatically the possums will think twice to infest! Mow the grass, trim the hedges and shrubberies, and cut the tree branches from your rooftop to safe-keep your yard and garden from possum trespassers.

Use Motion Activated Lights or Sprinklers
Having some movement actuated with aid of flood lights or sprinklers are an amazing strategy of protection against the irritating possums. The lights make a fair show in driving away these sketchy critters. Also, lighting-up your yard and garden area, along with installing some sprinklers will keep these possums away.

Humane Possum Removal – your nearby pest extermination friend!

Humane Possum Removal in Melbourne consists of an efficient group of team members who manages a wide range of pests, along with these night-time critters like Possums. With aid of a deep know-how on the same for over a decade, we have come up with individual teams for all sorts of pest troubles in Melbourne. Our different branches cater to customised pest treatment services to all of our revered customers.
Humane Possum Removal Possum removal -Average estimation
The average estimate ranges owing to the size of home. We cater to both interior and exterior for all possums removal by charging from around $185 onwards.

Why us!!

The main sight of a possum may be agitating, yet remember that these are only one of the numerous critters creating a ruckus world-wide, and they just so happen to discover every living habitat irresistible! And, thus it turns to be your genuine concern.
Taking sufficient precautionary measures to ensure you do not get any increasingly unwanted possum visits, combined with standard pest control, is the best long hauling procedure to keep your home free from all possums, pests and other critters.
Living with possums under a similar rooftop has never been simple. You have to simply attempt to expel them from your premises by following certain restrictions and consulting the Humane Possum Removal Agency. We are the most efficient and number one amongst the other pest control agencies who has the potential to solve all your pest related issues. Our pest and possum exterminating techniques will most likely assist you in disposing of possums permanently. As executing them is not allowed, under the government rules, we take all the precautionary measures to take them out and leave them into the wilds.

Possum Removal Melbourne

Call Us 03 9068 5085 & Get Possum Proofing Services

Location: 111 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

Possums On Your Roof

Do you hear the constant ‘thud-thud’ sound in your roof and notice urine stains on ceilings and walls? It’s probably made by the possums that are staying at your premises. There are countless reasons that state why is it bad to have possums on your roof and the foremost reason is structural damage. To make your attic its own cozy habitat they can cause irreparable damage to it. The droppings, urine stains on the walls, interrupted hygiene, etc., also count! So, it is definitely a bad idea to let them nest at your place. Through this write-up, we will give you a clear insight into the potential damages caused by the nocturnal marsupial. So, stay tuned right till the end!

Possums On Your Roof

Why Is it bad to have possums on your roof?

Not taking immediate action after sensing a possum infestation on your roof is a terrible idea! And there are a couple of explanations behind it. Alongside hindering your mental peace, these nocturnal pests can drain out a substantial amount of money through severe structural damage. So, if you are in search of the answer to the question: is it bad to have possums on your roof, go through the following facts.

  • The noisiest pest ever!
  • Keeping aside the fact that possums contribute a lot to the ecosystem, these nocturnal pests can give you sleepless nights. The unvarying noise they make with the scurrying of their feet feels disgusting, especially when you are trying to rest after a long harsh day. The noise gets worse when the possums scratch and scuttle the floors and walls with their nails. And there comes the worst of all, their urge to create a sharp screeching or squealing sound, which can potentially get on your nerves.

  • Damage of tiles
  • If the possums have nested in your attic, they can take a frequent tour of your entire home in your absence. A lot of homeowners have complained about possums cracking the tiles of the roofs as well as their entire homes with sharp pointed teeth. They can even scratch the exterior of your home. And within a short span of time, they can create extensive damage.

  • Creates mess
  • Possum feces and urine, both emit a strong foul odour that can gag you even if your olfactory senses get a little whiff of it. The problem does not end here. The smell of their droppings tends to welcome other insects and critters to build a shelter in your home. Moreover, if your roof has another insect dropping, there could be an intolerable disgusting odour throughout the area. Possum urine almost smells like cat urine, which is pretty hard to get rid of no matter how well you clean your attic or roof. The longer you allow them to stay on your roof, the more mess they keep creating, making it tough for you to stay at your own home peacefully.

  • Damage to the insulation facility
  • Your attic becomes the favourite place of possums when they find food, water, shelter everything along with a cozy ambience. To make it even cozier, these pests tend to use insulation pads to form their nest. And to get what they need, possums tear the insulation to gather the pieces required for the nest. Alongside using the insulation as their nest, they have the tendency to make it their toilet as well. And because of their activities, you can end up having a soiled and torn insulation system that not only puts pressure on your utility bills but also leads to a gagging of unpleasant odour all through your home.

  • Chew up electrical wires and support beams
  • Possums do everything needed to make their nest comfortable, safe, secure, and sturdy. That is why the animals could gnaw on the support beams as well as the electrical wires and cables in your roof. The chewed-up wires make your premises vulnerable to the threats of electrical fires and short circuits, which can prey on anyone at your home, including your pets. On the other hand, if there is more than one possum and all of them start chewing the support beam, severe foundation damage, including a collapse could happen at any time.

  • Extensive structural damage
  • Being larger in size, possums can make huge structural damage to your building including its roof while attempting to enter the roof. Moreover, even after they manage to enter your roof, they do not stop damaging your foundation for easy transportation, these destructive pests often create new entry points and expand the existing ones.

    Not to mention, possums are the real foodie! These omnivores munch on almost everything that they find edible. It can be anything from insects like carpenter ants, termites, litter, etc. And in search of food, they look for entry points and when there aren’t any, they scratch the foundation of your building, making new entrances through the carpet, drywall, vinyl flooring, carpet, etc.

  • Transmits life-threatening diseases
  • Possums generally do not attack people or bite them in general. However, they can put your and your family members’ lives at risk with their ability to transmit life-threatening diseases by contaminating the food items. To name a few, diseases like tuberculosis, tularemia coccidiosis, leptospirosis, etc., can be spread by the nocturnal marsupials.

How do possums get into your roof? Is there any way to prevent them?

Possum catchers often seal the possible entry points through which these pests can invade your premises as a preventive barrier. So, if you learn beforehand how possums can enter your premises secretly, you can take measures to prevent their invasion. Generally, these pests get into the roof by climbing the neighbouring tree of the house. They jump into the attic or roof and build their nest. In fact, they can also make their way through porch railings, drain spouts, etc. So as a preventive barrier, you can choose to trim the tree branches, keeping them 5 ft away from the attic. Also, keeping the porch and other hard-toed spots grease-free can avert the possums from invading your roof. And if you are unable to do all that, you can always contact a professional roof possum removal expert.

Final Words

To sum up, now you have got your answer of whether Is it bad to have possums on your roof, it’s time to stay alert all the time and avert the advent of the pesky pest. In case you already have one or more possums residing on your roof, the best way to drive them out is to seek professional assistance. Possum killing is illegal in Australia, so professionals handle the infestation with extra care, ensuring to remove them from your premises without hurting or killing them.

Possum Removal Services

Possums could provide a multitude of benefits to the urban environments and ecosystem, but because of their destructive nature, they are considered a pest. When these nocturnal marsupials start to build a nest inside your premises, they not only damage your property but also contaminate the edibles, leading to life-threatening diseases. That is why seeking professional help to remove the possums becomes crucial. Speaking of possum removal, most homeowners ask how much does it cost to remove a possum?

Well, the average national possum removal cost ranges somewhere between $200 and $400. The removal cost usually relies on the number of visits required to remove the possums, the number of possums to remove, the intricacy involved in the process, etc. For a clearer view, we are going to break down the factors that determine the cost and discuss them separately.

Possum Removal Services

How much does it cost to remove a possum? The most basic estimation

As per the estimation, most Australian households pay approximately $250 to eradicate a possum family from the chimney. On the other, if there is only a possum, the removal cost could be a lot less, say around $150. Also, the expense can rise up to around $500 if you want to remove a mother possum with its babies. The professionals could charge separately for cleaning the droppings and mess created by the pests along with the preventive measurements.

Possum removal expenses by location

While answering the question: how much does it cost to remove a possum discussing the location is a must. It is because there is a big difference in the price chart between the outdoor and indoor possum removal treatment.

Outdoor possum removal treatment

Generally, in the case of outdoor possum removal treatment, the cost rotates around $150 to $250. In case you own a trailer along with skirting the chances for a possum to reside under your house are high. Inspecting this space is harder than one can think, so setting traps is the only way to remove the pest. The trap set-up itself is a task hassle, which is why some possum catchers could ask for a tip.

Indoor possum removal treatment

Contrastingly, the cost for indoor possum removal comes between $250 and $500. These animals love to build their nest in the attic, ceiling vents, and walls as well. And removing those animals from those hard-to-access spots is tricky, which in turn, increases the average price estimation. In fact, the price can drop as well if there is not much hassle.

Possum removal expenses by the procedure

There are several techniques for removing a possum from your home, such as removing them by hand, setting traps, snare poles, etc. And the removal cost hugely depends on the process you opt for. For instance, if you have a possum in your attic and you want to remove it manually or through a snare pole in just one trip, it will cost you around $150. The more visits professional possum catchers make the more amount you would require to pay.

While some professionals include the cleanup charge along with the mentioned price, others could charge for it separately. If there is more than one possum and they are hard to locate, the only suitable option left to catch them is by setting traps. Setting lethal traps is against the law. So, make sure not to arrange a DIY trap and always seek help from certified professionals.

Depending on the type and number of traps, you would need to pay an amount of around $250 to $350 including the clean-up services. For sealing the entry points and mending the damages caused by the marsupial, you might need to spend additional charges. With each return trip, the professionals could ask for an extra $100. Well, the trip expense could vary from one professional to another.

As per state law, killing or hurting possums is illegal. That is why professionals have to be of utmost caution while handling extermination. It is the reason that increases the expenses of the possum removal cost.

Possum removal expenses depend on the circumstances

It’s not just the location or removal process that decides how much it costs to remove a possum, the circumstances of the event play a big role in the cost estimation. The aspects such as the severity of the infestation, site of the nest, duration of the total removal treatment, etc., are equally significant when chalking out the pricing char.

Though mentioning the upfront price rates is definitely not possible. But keeping in mind all the possibilities, the possum removal could be as low as $150 or as high as $500, relying on the circumstances of the infestation status. There are a few pest elimination firms that offer dead possum removal services as well! They could charge you about $150 for dead possum removal. Here too, the price can alter, depending on the conditions.

How much does it cost to remove a possum for an emergency purpose?

When a possum threatens humans or pets or acts maliciously, you must seek emergency possum removal services. The experts would appear at your doorstep in no time and take the marsupial with them safely, restoring normalcy. However, for emergency services, you would require paying an additional charge. Some firms could ask for an extra $100 for emergency services, which means the emergency outdoor treatment would come to around $250 to $350 and the emergency indoor treatment could be somewhere between $350 to $600.

Final Words

We hope our write-up has helped to give you an idea about how much it costs to remove a possum. Well, this is just an estimation that we have presented before you through our market research. To know the exact quote, you would require asking your respective professional whom you are hiring. Generally, possum catchers offer a quote only after making an assessment of the situation, infestation status, and hassle concerned.

Possum Or A Rat In My Roof

Are you getting strange scratching, deafening, or scrapping noises from your roof? It’s probably the nocturnal mammals staying in your property rent-free. These pests not only irritate you and give you sleepless nights but also are liable to multiple life-threatening diseases through food contamination. Well, it could either be a rat or a possum, each having its specific extermination process. In case you are wondering is it a possum or rat in my roof, this write-up is a must-read for you. Here, we are gonna disclose all the features, even the most minute ones that can help you distinguish a rat from a possum, making the extermination process easy, convenient, and hassle-free for you. With no more delay, let’s dive into it!

Possum Or A Rat In My Roof

Is it a possum or rat in my roof: Aspects that sets apart a rat from a possum

Killing possums is against the law in Australia, so if you harm a marsupial mistaking it for a rat, you can indulge yourself in serious legal conflicts. To be honest, with bare eyes, both rats and possums appear pretty similar, but if you look closely you can find out the below-listed differences:

Size of the two

At a quick glance, both rats and possums could look exactly the same, but you can tell them apart by their size. A Rat has a medium-sized body with a long hairless, skinny tail whereas possums are pretty big in size and have long bushy tails. Generally, depending on the habitat, a possum could measure around 2.5 ft in length and 1.7-14 lbs in weight. Well, the brown rats could be big, but it comes no nearer to the size of a possum. On average, brown rats can grow up to somewhere around 0.5 to 1lbs.

Difference in appearance

Possums and rats appear very different when you know them well. Rats are usually slender and have a general rodent-like physical appearance. The brown rats that are mostly mistaken as a possum due to their physical similarities have grey or dark brown fur with pink ears and feet and a long hairless tail. If it is a fancy rat, it will have a piebald, silver, or whitish-grey body. Possums generally have big grey bodies, some having white or brown coloured speckles in them. Unlike rats, possums have black ears. The latter has a prehensile hairless tail, which they can control and use as an appendage.

Noises both make

The noises you hear from your attic or roof tell much about the pest residing there. If you put a little more stress on your cochlea, you can easily differentiate the sound of a rat from that of a possum. Rats usually make a bustling or scuttering noise when their claws touch the cavity of your room.

On the other hand, possums are larger in size and make more scratching noises while running across your roof. Moreover, possums can also be spotted with their high-pitched, screechy calling sounds. Additionally, possums are nocturnal, so if you hear sounds at midnight or dawn, it is definitely a possum. Whereas rats leap in excitement making thud sounds all time of the day.

Droppings and urine stain

Though this aspect could sound a little disgusting, the droppings and urine stain can give you a clear idea when you wonder if is it a rat or possum on your roof. Possums love to stay in a single place, by making a hole through a plasterboard, so their urine stains and droppings are likely to be noticed in a small cluster area where they stay and sleep.

Contrastingly, rats move constantly unless they are nesting. So, you can find their dropping scattered here and there in your attic. Also, compared to rats, possums urinate more and the stains are deep. Moreover, rat droppings appear thin, small, and pellet alike but possum droppings are bigger.

The response each pest makes

There is a fantastic way with which you can find out whether it’s a rat or a possum i.e., the manner by which they respond to human presence. Rats are tiny secretive and clever pests that immediately stop their activities and hide when they sense a human presence. But possums are different. They keep munching on their food or keep making sounds for a few more minutes even after sensing the presence of humans.

Damage made by both

Identifying the type of damage made by the pest is another fine trick of judging if is it a possum or rat in my roof. Rats have smaller claws than possums, so you can easily differentiate the mammals through the scratch marks on the walls. In addition to that, the entrance holes could also state the difference: the big holes are for possums, and the comparatively small ones are for rats.
The apple test

If after all these efforts, you still can’t figure out if it is a rat or a possum, worry not cause you still have your trump card left to use, the apple test! To conduct the test, all you need to do is place an apple in your attic or roof where the animals make their routine visit. Leave it for the entire night and assess the findings the next morning. If the apple goes missing or most of its part is eaten, then it is clearly a possum. If you find gnaw marks or teeth marks on the fruit in your house, it could be a rat.

Final Words

Both rats and possums can cause structural damage and health hazardous, so no matter which pest between the two has nested inside your roof, you must take immediate action in discarding them from your property Hopefully, there is no more doubt in understanding that is it a possum or rat in my roof and even if there is, professional possum removal experts are ready to serve you at your doorstep. So, take your phone and ring up now to schedule an inspection program today.

Possums are cute, little furry animals that give no reason to hate them. But the moment they decide to move into your premises problems begin. There are countless reasons that mark possums as pests, including their noisy and destructive characteristics. In addition to that, these nocturnal marsupials leave an unpleasant and disgusting odour with their droppings and urine.

And in some cases, they are responsible for spreading multiple diseases through food contamination, including relapsing fever, spotted fever, leptospirosis, etc. So, maintaining a safe distance from possums is a great idea. In case you question how to possum proof your roof, this write-up is a must-read for you! Here we have discussed a few foolproof solutions that can keep these animals away from your roof, while not hurting the iconic beauty of Australian Wildlife.

Possum Proof Your Roof

How To Possum Proof Your Roof: Ways To Follow

Possums as pests can be a real pain! Read ahead to learn how to possum proof your roof easily and conveniently.

  • Prune And Trim The Branches Of The Neighbouring Tree

  • Do you have tall trees with long branches close to your roof? If yes, possums can make their way to your home using it. So, one of the finest ways to block the easy entrance for the possums, you must consider pruning and trimming the branches. Instead of handling it yourselves, you better seek assistance from the experts. Possums are more likely to detect that one single or couple of brunch possums could use to enter your attic. And pruning those specific branches can halt them from invading your property secretly. Also, DIY tactics can lead to self-injuries, so better leave the job in the hands of professionals who have commercial-grade safe tools.

  • Use Of Possum Repellents

  • The homeowners who have used the possum repellents have always offered a mixed response. While some say the repellents really have worked others oppose it. Well, you can give the repellents a try and see whether it has worked in your possum infestation case. First of all, we want to make it clear that the possum repellents do not harm the animal.

    These products just work on the senses of the furry animals and keep them away. Quassia chips and tabasco sauce are two things that work as effective repellents for the possums. Possums also hate the smells of mothballs, garlic, ammonia, etc., Use any of this repellent and keep it around their sealed entry points.

  • Use Of Bright Lights Or Spotlights

  • Possums are sensitive to bright lights. Taking its advantage, you can plan a preventive barrier for the pest. Make an assessment of your roof or attic and find the spots through which the possums can invade. After that, install spotlights or bright lights in those areas. When the spotlight will flash on them, the possums will escape in fear.

  • Make The Lattice And Deck Posts Slippery

  • The lattice and deck posts you have installed to make your home gorgeous can be liable for possum invasion. Possums easily slip through the lattice and make their entry to your roof. But you can halt their entrance by placing some smooth metal and plastic around those decorative features. As a result, the possums will loosen their grip and slip every time they try to climb through them.

  • Seal The Entry Points

  • Whenever you would ask anyone:’ how to possum proof your roof,’ the most common answer you will get is to seal the entry points. And this trick does work. But you have to seal all the possible entrances correctly. You can try the simple DIY paper test to learn whether your roof cavity is the access point of the possums. For this, you need to take a few papers, scrunch them and place them in the cavity. If the paper falls out, mark it as their entry point and seal them as immediately as possible. Professionals use strong mesh, timbre, sturdy sheeting, etc., for sealing those points.

  • Employ Electronic Devices

  • There are a few motion-activated ultrasonic tools and devices available in the market that are solely made to prevent marsupial-like pests including possums. When possums are near and they cross the sensor, the device is triggered and scares away the possums with high-pitched sounds; those sounds are comfortable for humans.

  • Cut The Food Sources Supply

  • Possums mainly get into your house in search of food. And if you eradicate the food sources, you can prevent these marsupials from entering your home. Possums are omnivores that feed on almost everything available. So, make sure to cover your litter bin properly, clean your BBQ precisely and try to feed your pets inside the house. Also, clean up the scattered food particles and remaining food in the bowl when they are done eating.

    If you have a fruit garden, pick up all fruits that are dropped, or use a net to prevent the fruits from dropping in the garden. In case you have a habit of feeding the birds, practise it either in the late morning or mid-afternoon. Make sure there is no birdseed scattered here and there around your home. There is one more thing you should keep in mind, possums are wildlife creatures, they are not meant to be pets. So, if you show love and affection by feeding them, it will remove the fear of humans in them. And when you stop feeding them, they can show their aggressive nature.

  • Let Them Have An Alternative Shelter

  • Possums, especially the brushtail ones, need a den to survive. Without a proper den, they can come across several daytime threats, including bird attacks. But if you show a little empathy for these wildlife creatures and install a possum box on a nearby tree can help. To allure them to stay in their new home, you can place a few fruits in the box. They will happily stay there, instead of invading your roof.

What To Do If The Listed ‘How-tos’ Fail To Show Results?

Possums are cosseted wildlife, so you can remove them, but without hurting them. If all these above-listed ‘how-tos’ do not show any positive outcome, the only option left is appointing licensed possum catchers for the task. Followed by the removal process, you should get the entrance points sealed immediately. As per state law, you can release the marsupials within 25 metres of the area where they are captured. So, if you do not seal the entrances, they will reoccupy their former shelter.

Get ready for the mission now that you know how to possum-proof your roof. In case you need any sort of help, our local, certified, and competent possum catchers are available for you all around the clock. With more than decades in the industry, we have been serving our reliable possum catching and relocating services and preserving the possum families.

Fruit trees can be a real attraction for possums, as they are known for eating fruits, vegetables, and insects. Possums can cause significant damage to fruit trees by gnawing on the trunk, stripping the bark, and eating the fruit. To keep possums away from your fruit trees, there are several steps you can take to deter them from entering your garden. Read on to know in detail about how to keep possums away from fruit trees.

Ways To Keep Possums Away From Fruit Trees

Here’s how to keep possums away from fruit trees:

  • Fencing
    One of the most effective ways to keep possums away from your fruit trees is by installing a fence. The fence should be at least 6 feet tall and made of strong materials such as metal or wood. Make sure the fence extends into the ground to prevent possums from digging under it.
  • Motion-Activated Sprinklers
    Motion-activated sprinklers are an effective way to deter possums from your fruit trees. The sudden burst of water can startle possums and encourage them to leave the area.
  • Cover Fruit Trees with Netting
    Covering your fruit trees with netting can help protect them from possum damage. Make sure the netting is taut and extends above the tree so that possums cannot get to the fruit.
  • Reduce Food Sources
    Reducing food sources in your garden can also help deter possums from your fruit trees. This may involve removing fallen fruits and vegetables, and keeping pet food indoors.
  • Use Repellents
    There are several natural and commercial repellents available that can be used to keep possums away from your fruit trees. Some of the most common include vinegar, citrus, and eucalyptus.
  • Eliminate Hiding Spots
    Possums need hiding spots, such as piles of leaves or bushes, to feel secure. By removing these hiding spots, you can make your garden less attractive to possums.
  • Traps
    If you have a persistent possum problem, consider using humane traps to remove them from your garden. Be sure to follow local wildlife regulations and release the possum at least 5 miles from your home.

Possums can cause significant damage to fruit trees and other plants in your garden. By installing a fence, using motion-activated sprinklers, covering fruit trees with netting, reducing food sources, using repellents, eliminating hiding spots, and using humane traps, you can keep possums away from your fruit trees. Remember to always be humane and follow local wildlife regulations when dealing with possums.

Why Is It Important To Keep The Possums Away From Your House And Fruit Trees?

Keeping possums away from your house and fruit trees is important for several reasons.

  • Health and Safety: Possums can carry diseases and parasites that can be harmful to humans and pets. They can also cause structural damage to your home by gnawing on wood, wires, and other materials.
  • Property Damage: Possums can cause significant damage to fruit trees by stripping the bark, gnawing on the trunk, and eating the fruit. They can also damage other plants and vegetables in your garden.
  • Unpleasant Odours: Possums can produce unpleasant odours, which can be a nuisance to you and your neighbours.
  • Nuisance: Possums can be noisy and active at night, causing disturbance to you and your family.

By keeping possums away from your house and fruit trees, you can protect your health, property, and quality of life. Additionally, it can help preserve the natural balance of your local ecosystem and prevent the spread of diseases and parasites to other animals.

Hire Professionals

Hiring professionals for preventing and removing possums is important for several reasons. Firstly, professionals have the expertise, equipment, and experience necessary to effectively identify, prevent, and remove possums from your property. They can assess the situation and provide customised solutions to address your specific pest control needs. Additionally, professionals use safe and humane methods that comply with local wildlife regulations and minimise harm to the environment. By hiring professionals, you can avoid the risk of injury and liability that comes with handling possums on your own. Furthermore, professionals can provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure that possums do not return in the future. Overall, hiring professionals for possum control is a smart choice that can provide peace of mind and ensure the safety and health of your property.

If you want to get possums away from your property anywhere in Melbourne, you must hire the top professionals at Humane Possum Removal Melbourne. They use all the top quality tools and the best techniques that are useful in keeping the possums and all other pests away from your house. They are known for their timely and effective pest control services in Melbourne. At Humane Possum Removal Melbourne, the professionals are very hardworking towards their work and always are ready to help their clients. Give them a call now on 03 9068 5085 and get your service booked today.

Found Possum Scratch Marks On Walls

If you’ve recently noticed scratch marks on your walls or ceilings, it’s possible that you have a possum living in your home. Possums are notorious for getting into space they shouldn’t, and they can cause a variety of problems for homeowners. However, it’s important to handle the possum removal situation properly to ensure that both you and the possum are safe.

What are possums and why do they scratch on walls?

Possums, also known as opossums, are marsupials native to North America. They are nocturnal creatures that feed on a variety of foods, including fruits, insects, and small mammals. Possums will often take up residence in attics, crawl spaces, and other enclosed areas to protect themselves from predators and the elements. When they do, they may scratch at walls or ceilings to create a nest or to mark their territory.

Why Do Possums Enter Your House

Possums are generally shy and solitary animals, but they may enter homes and other structures in search of food, shelter, or a place to raise their young. Here are some of the common reasons why possums may enter your house:

Food Sources: Possums are omnivores and will eat a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, insects, and even small animals. If they find a reliable source of food in or around your home, they may choose to make it their permanent residence.

Lack of Natural Habitat: Urbanisation and development can lead to the destruction of natural habitats, forcing possums to seek shelter in more urban environments. Homes and other structures can provide a safe and secure shelter for possums.

Warmth and Shelter: Possums are susceptible to cold temperatures and inclement weather and may seek warmth and shelter in homes and other structures. If your home has a basement, attic, or other dark, warm spaces, it may be particularly attractive to possums.

Easy Access: Possums are good climbers and can enter homes through holes, cracks, or other entry points. They may also use trees, vines, or other structures to climb onto roofs or into attics. If your home has easy access points, it may be more likely to attract possums.

Maternal Instincts: Female possums may enter homes and other structures to raise their young. They are attracted to warm, dark, and secure places, such as attics and basements, where they can build a nest and protect their young.

What to do if you have a Possum in your Home?

Possums are fascinating creatures, but they can be a nuisance when they decide to make your home their own. If you have a possum in your house, it is important to act quickly and safely to remove it. Here’s what you need to know about handling a possum infestation.

Don’t panic: Possums are generally not aggressive and are unlikely to harm you or your pets.

Secure your pets: If you have pets, it’s important to keep them away from the possum to avoid any potential conflicts.

Locate the point of entry: Look for holes or openings in your walls or ceilings that the possum may have used to get into your home.

Seal the entry points: Once you’ve located the entry points, it’s important to seal them to prevent the possum from returning. You can use hardware cloth or expanding foam to seal any holes or cracks.

Relocate the possum: If you have successfully sealed the entry points, the possum should eventually leave on its own. However, if you are unable to locate the point of entry or the possum has become trapped, you may need to contact a wildlife control professional for assistance.

Keep your home clean: Possums are attracted to food, so it is important to keep your home clean and free of any food sources that may attract them. This includes pet food, garbage, and compost piles.

Take preventive measures: To prevent possums from entering your home in the future, make sure to secure any loose or damaged vents or screens, and trim any overhanging tree branches that may provide a path into your home.


Dealing with a possum in your home can be a challenge, but by following these steps, you can safely and effectively remove the possum and prevent it from returning. If you are unable to handle the situation on your own, don’t hesitate to contact a wildlife control professional for assistance. With their knowledge and expertise, they can help you remove the possum and keep your home safe.

Get Professional Help

If you want to get rid of the possums from your property, make sure you hire professional pest controllers. They can help you in removing the possums and other pests as well. Professionals can help you in noticing the scratch marks of possums and get rid of them. If you want to hire the best professionals in Melbourne, you can choose the pest controllers at Humane Possum Removal Melbourne. They have all the experience required for removing all kinds of pests from your house. They offer affordable pest control services to everyone. You can reach them at 03 9068 5085 and get your quote.